Definitions: Accident-related terms
Jul 01, 2023Homepage > Terms and Definitions
An event that results in injury or ill health (HSE. 2004. Investigating accidents and incidents. HSG245, first edition).
An "accident" is a separate, identifiable, unintended incident that causes physical injury, including acts of non-consensual violence to people at work (HSE. 2013. Reporting accidents and incidents at work. INDG 453, revision 1).
An unplanned, uncontrolled event that led to, or could have led to, injury to persons, damage to plant or some other loss to the company (HSE. 2013. Managing for health and safety. HSG65, third edition).
Accident incidence rate
The incidence rate is the number of accidents divided by the average number employed during the period multiplied by 10,000 (or the appropriate multiplier).
Accident frequency rate
The frequency rate is the number of accidents in the period divided by the total hours worked during the period multiplied by 1,000,0000 (or the appropriate multiplier).
Accident severity rate
The severity rate is the total number of days lost divided by the total number of hours worked multiplied by 1,000 (or the appropriate multiplier).
Work-related accident
Whether an accident that led to the death or injury was "work-related" can be determined by reference to factors such as:
a. The way the work was organised, carried out or supervised;
b. Any machinery, plant, substances or equipment used for work; and
c. The condition of the site or premises where the accident happened.
(HSE. 2013. Reporting accidents and incidents at work. INDG 453, revision 1).
Citation: Jacklin, D. 2023. Definitions: Accident-related terms. Water Incident Research Hub, 1 July.