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How do I calculate my maximum pool occupancy?

Jan 01, 2022


What is "pool occupancy"? 

Pool occupancy is how many people are permitted to be in the pool water at any time. Sometimes pool occupancy can include those in the pool water and in the pool surround. We refer to this as pool hall occupancy. 


How do I calculate the starting point for pool occupancy? 

The starting point for calculating pool occupancy is: 

= (length x width) / 3


Can I adjust my pool occupancy? 

Yes, in both directions. The starting point is a crude calculation that does not take account of: 

  • Water depth. 
  • Pool user characteristics. 
  • Pool activity type. 
  • Competency of the lifeguard. 
  • Presence of children. 
  • Presence of any floating or fixed obstructions in the pool. 


What factors should I take into account when adjusting my pool occupancy? 

The following factors would suggest a higher pool occupancy may be permitted: 

  • Maximum water depth is a non-swimming depth (<1.35 metres). 
  • The minimum water depth is greater than 0.5 metres. 
  • Ball games, floating and inflatable play equipment are prohibited. 
  • Diving and jumping are prohibited. 
  • A session is for adult leisure and relaxation, with limited lane swimming. 

The following factors would suggest a lower pool occupancy would be advisable:

  • Higher numbers of children and families are expected. 
  • More than 25% of the pool is used by lane swimmers. 
  • One or more diving, jumping, ball games, and inflatable or floating play equipment are permitted. 
  • The sides are curved (freeform) with extensive scenery.  
  • Over 50% of the pool has a water depth with a swimming area of (>1.35 metres). 


How do I know if I have reached an appropriate pool occupancy? 

The following factors should provide greater assurance that you have determined an appropriate occupancy for your pool: 

  • Absence of audit/inspection findings or areas for improvement related to incidents in busy conditions. 
  • Absence of accident, incident, near miss records related to incidents in busy conditions. 
  • Proportionately low numbers of pool user-detected incidents when compared to lifeguard-detected incidents during busy conditions. 
  • Similar operating arrangements are used by other operators. 


Citation: Jacklin, D. 2021. How do I calculate my maximum pool occupancy? Water Incident Research Hub, 28 December.

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