Database structure
Dec 12, 2021WIRH
The purpose of the Water Incident Database is to improve our understanding of the epidemiology of fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents and identify new, more effective interventions to reduce fatalities and improve outcomes for those affected by water incidents.
Read more about our data collection methodology.
Database structure
The Water Incident Database is divided into 18 sections.
Injured person
- Guidance: First name and surname of the injured person.
- Field type: Free text.
Brief summary
- Guidance: A paragraph summarising the key features of the incident.
- Field type: Free text.
- Guidance: A list of Harvard-style references of all sources reporting information about the incident available in the public domain at the time of the search.
- Field type: Free text.
- Guidance: What was the health outcome of the drowning incident?
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Drowning fatality; Non-fatal drowning; Not reported.
- Guidance: The biological sex of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Male; Female; Not reported.
- Guidance: The age of the injured person.
- Field type: Number field.
- Unit: Calendar years.
Age category
- Guidance: The age range of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: 0-4; 5-9; 10-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80-84; 85-89; 90+.
- Unit: Calendar years.
- Guidance: The race of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Arab; Asian; Black; Chinese; Gypsy/Traveller; Indian; Latino; Mixed; Pakistani; White; Other.
- Guidance: The primary occupation of the injured person.
- Field type: Free text.
- Identification: Included if reported in the sources.
Socioeconomic status
- Definition: The socio-economic status of the injured person according to five class NS-SEC as defined by the ONS at
- Identification: Included where reported in the source material.
- Classification: Primarily according to their occupation.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: 1 Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations; 2 Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations; 3 Intermediate occupations; 4 Small employers and own account workers; 5 Lower supervisory and technical occupations; 6 Semi-routine occupations; 7 Routine occupations; 8 Never worked or long-term unemployed.
Swimming ability
- Definition: The injured person was capable of treading water and/or propelling themselves through non-standing depth water.
- Field type: Choice field.
- ID and classification: Assessment of all the reported circumstances of the incident and rescue.
- Responses: Swimmer; Non-swimmer; Not reported.
- Definition: The injured person who had consumed alcohol, or illicit substances, or experienced an adverse reaction to prescribed medication.
- Field type: Choice field.
- ID and classification: Included if reported in the source material.
- Responses: Alcohol; Drugs; Alcohol and drugs; Not reported.
Medical conditions
- Definition: The injured person was reported as having any recognised and relevant medical condition.
- Field type: Choice field.
- ID and classification: Included if reported in the source material.
- Responses: ADHD; ASD; Diabetes; Downs Syndrome; Epilepsy; Deaf and hearing loss; Learning disability; Mental illness; Mobility-related disability; Substance abuse; Blind or partially sighted; Other; None reported.
- Definition: The injured person was reported as having a second recognised and relevant medical condition.
- Field type: Choice field.
- ID and classification: Included if reported in the source material.
- Responses: ADHD; ASD; Diabetes; Downs Syndrome; Epilepsy; Deaf and hearing loss; Learning disability; Mental illness; Mobility-related disability; Substance abuse; Blind or partially sighted; Other; None reported.
Connected incident
- Definition: The injured persons involved in a concurrent drowning incident.
- Field type: Free text.
Concurrent drowning incident
- Definition: The injured person drowned at the same location and time as another person.
- Field type: Yes/No.
UK citizen
- Definition: The injured person appears to be living permanently in the UK.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
Local citizen
- Definition: The injured person appears to live in the same county.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
- Definition: The injured person was reported to have been celebrating a birthday, or exam results, or was on holiday at the time of the incident.
- Field type: Yes/No.
- Definition: The injured person was known for being ‘sporty’, exercising frequently, participating or competing in sports.
- Field type: Yes/No.
- Definition: The country in which the incident took place.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: England; Scotland; Wales; Northern Ireland; Ireland; Not reported.
- Definition: The geographical region in which the incident took place.
- Field type: Text field.
- Definition: The county in which the incident took place.
- Field type: Text field.
- Definition: The city in which the incident took place.
- Field type: Text field.
- Note: Items marked ‘Not applicable’ where the incident did not take place in a city.
- Definition: Any other details describing the location of the incident, such as river name or town/village/street name as applicable.
- Field type: Text field.
- Definition: Whether the incident took place in an urban or rural area.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessment of all available data on the location.
- Classification: Researcher judgement exercised.
- Responses: Urban; Rural; Not reported.
Median wealth by county
- Definition: Median household wealth of the county in which the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed where the ‘County’ field is present.
- Classification: Classification according to the ONS dataset.
- Responses: 0 < 50k; 51 – 100k; 101 – 150k; 151 – 200k; 201 – 250k; 251 – 300k; Not reported.
- Unit: GBP.
- Definition: Geographical latitude of the approximate incident site.
- Field type: Number.
- Identification: Assessed based on all the reported information.
- Definition: Geographical longitude of the approximate incident site.
- Field type: Number.
- Identification: Assessed based on all the reported information.
- Definition: Who owns the body of water in which the incident occurred?
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed based on all reported information on location.
- Classification: Expert assessment.
- Responses: Residential; Public authority; Private company; Not reported.
Operator type
- Definition: The operator of the body of water in which the incident occurred
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed based on all reported information.
- Classification: Expert assessment.
- Responses: Public; Private; Residential; None; Not reported.
Facility type
- Definition: Facility type where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed based on reported information about the location.
- Classification: As reported in the source material.
- Responses: Leisure Centre; Health Club; Caravan/Holiday Park; Water/Theme Park; Port/Harbour; Farm/Industrial; Event/Attraction; Beach; Residential; Education Facility; Respite/Foster Care; None.
Body of water
- Definition: Type of water body in which the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed based on reported information about the location.
- Classification: As reported in the source material.
- Responses: Indoor Swimming Pool; Outdoor Swimming Pool; Jacuzzi/Spa Pool; Paddling Pool; Garden/Ornamental Pond; Water Tub; Bath; River/Loch/Canal; Sea/Port; Other; Not reported.
Water type
- Definition: Water type within the body of water where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed according to Body of Water.
- Classification: Expert assessment.
- Responses: Freshwater; Controlled Waters; Saltwater; Slurry.
Pool size
- Definition: Size of the swimming pool in which the incident occurred where relevant.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed based on information reported about the location or photographs of the venue.
- Classification: As reported in the source material or photographs of the venue.
- Responses: Small (1 < 100 m2); Medium (101 < 225 m2); Large (>225 m2); Not reported; Not applicable.
Air temperature
- Definition: Air temperature for the nearest reported location and time of the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using Met Office records.
- Classification: As reported by the Met Office.
- Responses: <0; 0-10; 11-20; 21-30; 30-40; >40; Not applicable; Not reported.
- Unit: Degrees Celsius.
Water temperature
- Definition: Water temperature of the body of water where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using Met Office records.
- Classification: As reported by the Met Office.
- Responses: <0; 0-10; 11-20; 21-30; >30; Not applicable; Not reported.
- Unit: Degrees Celsius.
Site history
- Definition: Has never been in the water at this location before.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using reported information.
- Classification: Classified as ‘not reported’ unless reported information specifies otherwise.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
Water conditions
- Definition: The surface water conditions at this location and at the time of the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using reported information.
- Classification: Classified as ‘Not reported’ unless reported information specifies otherwise. Classified as ‘Adverse’ if water current was strong, weight height was high, or water quality was poor.
- Responses: Normal; Adverse; Not reported.
Water depth
- Definition: Water depth at the location where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Number.
- Unit: Metres.
Water depth range
- Definition: Water depth range at the location where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: 0<0.5; 0.5<1.0; 1.0<1.5; 1.5<2.0; 2.0<3.0; 3.0<4.0; >4.0; Not reported.
- Unit: Metres.
- Definition: Activity undertaken prior to the incident.
- Identification: Assessed from reported information.
- Classification: As classified by reported information.
- Responses: Land-based activity; Aquapark, waterslide or inflatable play session; Chased or exposed to violence; In-water recreation; Playing in the house/garden; Swimming lesson; Travel on/near water; Work on/near water; Not reported.
Buoyancy aid(s)
- Definition: The injured person was wearing a buoyancy aid prior to the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed from reported information.
- Classification: As classified by reported information.
- Responses: None; Life jacket; PFD; Armbands; Noodle/woggle; Inflatable ring; Not applicable.
Incident date
- Definition: The date and time at which the incident occurred.
- Field type: Date and time.
Time of day
- Definition: The time of day at which the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information about the time of day.
- Responses: 00:00<07:00; 07:00<12:00; 12:00<18:00; 18:00<00:00; Not reported.
Day of the week
- Definition: The weekday on which the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the Incident date.
- Responses: Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday; Not reported.
Reason for entering the water
- Definition: The primary reason the injured person entered the water where the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Unintentional; Recreation/Bathing; Violence; To Rescue Another; Attempt Suicide; Work; Not reported.
Event proceeding entry
- Definition: Event that triggered entry to the water before the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Accessed unguarded waters; Hypoxic training/blackout; Lost control of a vehicle; Overreached/lost balance; Peer pressure; Fell through ice/pool cover; Tide came in; Vessel capsized; Violence; Not reported.
Entry into the water
- Definition: The mechanism of entry into the water.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Fall; Climb; Wade; Jump; Wave; Fall; By force; Not reported.
Cause of the cause of drowning
- Definition: The trigger for the drowning process.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Fatal arrhythmia; Swim failure; Hypothermia; Hypocapnia; Neurological event; Locked swimmer; Spinal/MSI; Violence; Indeterminate.
Contributing factor(s)
- Definition: Factors which exacerbated the drowning process.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Cold water shock; Gate/barrier ineffective; Resisting arrest; Rip tide/strong current; Sudden change in water depth; Trapped/entangled; Repeated submersions; Fatigue; None.
- Definition: Suicide was attempted or suspected.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: ‘Yes’ selected if indicated in the source material. The default selection is ‘no’.
- Responses: Yes; No.
Violence used
- Definition: The type of violence used to cause or contribute to the drowning, if applicable.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Drowned using force; Violent play; Pushed into the water; Pressurised into entering the water; Not applicable.
Aggressor relationship
- Definition: The relationship between the aggressor and the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Knew the IP; Stranger; Parent/Carer; Other relative; Not applicable.
Aggressor characteristics
- Definition: The characteristics of the aggressor involved in causing or contributing to the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Male; Female; Multiple aggressors; Not reported.
Loco parentis
- Definition: The type of loco parentis relationship in place with the injured person at the time of the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Local authority; Education; In-patient; Child care; None.
Professional supervision type
- Definition: The type of professional supervision in place by the operator when the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Waterside supervision; Remote supervision/CCTV; ALT; Physical checks; None.
Number of professional supervisors
- Definition: The number of professional supervisors in place by the operator when the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: 1; 2-3; 4-5; >5; None; Not reported.
Professional supervisor visibility
- Definition: The visibility of the professional supervisor put in place by the operator when the incident occurred.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Visibility; Obscured visibility; No visibility; Not applicable; Not reported.
Lay supervisor age
- Definition: The age of the lay supervisor responsible for supervising the injured child.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Adult (>18 yrs); Child (<18 yrs); None; Not reported.
Lay supervisor location
- Definition: The location of the lay supervisor responsible for supervising the injured child.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Water’s edge; In the water; Elsewhere; Not reported; Not applicable.
Lay supervisor visibility
- Definition: The visibility of the lay supervisor responsible for supervising the injured child.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Visibility; Obscured visibility; No visibility; Not applicable; Not reported.
Nearby persons
- Definition: Persons nearby to the injured person at the time of the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Known to the IP; Strangers; None; Not reported.
Nearby person characteristics
- Definition: The characteristics of persons nearby to the injured person at the time of the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Adults only; Children only; Mixed; Not applicable; Not reported.
Number of nearby persons (water)
- Definition: The number of persons in the water nearby to the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information and any photographs.
- Responses: 0<10; 10<20; 20<30; 30<40; 40<50; >50; Not reported; Not applicable.
Number of nearby persons (land)
- Definition: The number of persons on land nearest to the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information and any photographs.
- Responses: 0<10; 10<20; 20<30; 30<40; 40<50; >50; Not reported; Not applicable.
Relationship with the spotter
- Definition: Relationship between the injured person and the person who first identified the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Professional supervisor; Knew the injured person; Stranger; Not applicable; Not reported.
Age of the spotter
- Definition: Age of the person who first identified the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Adult (>18 yrs); Child (<18 yrs); Not applicable; Not reported.
Sex of the spotter
- Definition: Sex of the person who first identified the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Male; Female; Not applicable; Not reported.
Submersion duration
- Definition: Duration the injured person was submerged before self-rescue or rescue.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: <1; 1<2; 2<3; 3<4; 5<10; 10<30; >30; Not reported.
- Unit: Minutes.
Delayed rescue
- Definition: The reason for the delay in initiating a rescue of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Talking; Distracted; Insufficient Understanding; Fetching help; Not applicable; Not reported.
Rescuer relationship
- Definition: Relationship between the injured person and the primary rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Professional supervisor; Known; Stranger; Not applicable; Not reported.
Rescuer age
- Definition: Age of the injured person’s primary rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Adult (>18 yrs); Child (<18 yrs); Not applicable; Not reported.
Rescuer sex
- Definition: Sex of the injured person’s primary rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Male; Female; Not applicable; Not reported.
Rescuer swim ability
- Definition: Swim ability of the injured person’s primary rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Swimmer; Non-swimmer; Not applicable; Not reported.
Rescuer training
- Definition: The level of training of the injured person’s primary rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Emergency Services; Lifeguard/First Aider; None; Not applicable.
Rescue method
- Definition: The rescue method used by the injured person’s rescuer.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Contact rescue; Non-contact rescue; Self-rescue; Not applicable; Not reported.
Locked swimmers
- Definition: The rescuer became a locked swimmer with the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Classification: Classified as ‘No’ unless specifically reported otherwise.
- Responses: Yes; No.
Rescue outcome
- Definition: The outcome of the primary rescuer’s attempt to rescue the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Rescued; Not rescued; Not applicable.
Rescue factors
- Definition: Factors that impacted the rescue or attempted rescue by the primary rescuer of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Did not initiate a rescue; Died attempting rescue; Rescuer obstructed; Rescuer required rescue; Unable to rescue.
Recovered by
- Definition: The person who recovered the injured person from the water to a point of safety that permitted extraction by the emergency services.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Emergency Services; Rescuer; Stranger; Never Recovered; Not applicable.
Recovery from the water
- Definition: Date and time the injured person was recovered from the water.
- Field type: Date and time.
Recovery method
- Definition: The primary method used to recover the injured person from the water.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Lift Out; Assisted Carry; Diver; Helicopter; Motorboat; Pull Ashore; Not applicable; Not reported.
Pre-hospital expertise
- Definition: The expertise available prior to the emergency service arrival on the scene at the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Medical professional; Paramedic / First Responder; Lifeguard / First Aider; Untrained bystander; Not applicable; Not reported.
Trained persons
- Definition: Number of trained persons present on scene prior to the emergency service arrival at the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: 1; 2; 3; >3; None; Not reported.
AED available
- Definition: Presence of an AED on scene prior to the emergency service arrival at the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Available and used; Available and not used; None; Not applicable; Not reported.
CPR provision
- Definition: Provision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the injured person prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Provided; Not provided; Not applicable; Not reported.
CPR provider
- Definition: Provider of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the injured person prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Trained person; Untrained person; Not applicable; Not reported.
Reason CPR not provided
- Definition: Reason CPR was not provided to the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Breathing normally; Incorrectly assumed normal breathing; Pronounced deceased; Not reported.
Reason CPR stopped
- Definition: Reason CPR provided to the injured person was subsequently stopped prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Breathing normally; Incorrectly assumed normal breathing; Exhaustion; Not reported.
Pulmonary oedema
- Definition: Presence of pulmonary oedema during the resuscitation of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not applicable; Not reported.
First responder
- Definition: Presence of an emergency responder at the incident before the emergency services arrived.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not applicable; Not reported.
Emergency services (Medical)
- Definition: Presence of a medical team from the emergency services at the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not applicable; Not reported.
Other services
- Definition: Presence of non-medical emergency services at the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Police; Fire and Rescue; Coastguard; RNLI; Mountain Rescue; Armed Forces; Other; Not applicable; Not reported.
Status on leaving the scene
- Definition: Medical status of the injured person before leaving the scene.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Breathing; Not breathing; Pronounced dead; Not reported.
Reason for emergency centre
- Definition: Reason the injured person attended an emergency centre.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: ALS required; Precaution; Not applicable; Not reported.
Emergency centre arrival
- Definition: Arrival date and time at the first emergency centre the injured person attended.
- Field type: Date and time field.
Death or discharge
- Definition: Date and time of the injured person’s death or discharge from the emergency centre.
- Field type: Date and time field.
Status on leaving the emergency centre
- Definition: Medical status of the injured person at the date and time of death or discharge.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Pronounced dead; Returned home; Transferred; In-patient care; Not reported.
- Definition: Medical complications that affected the injured person during time at the first emergency centre.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Sepsis; Pneumonia; Organ failure; ARDS; Other; None; Not reported.
Specialist centre
- Definition: Attendance of the injured person at a specialist unit or emergency centre.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
- Definition: Morbidity of the injured person seven days after the incident.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Brain injury; SCI; PTSD; Other; None; Not applicable; Not reported.
Inquest date
- Definition: Date of the coronial inquest into the death of the injured person.
- Field type: Date field.
- Definition: An autopsy was carried out to inform the cause of death of the injured person.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: As reported by HM Coroner.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not applicable; Not reported.
Cause of death
- Definition: Cause of death as determined by HM Coroner.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: As reported by HM Coroner.
- Responses: Drowning; Head Injury; Arrhythmia; SADS; Long QT Syndrome; Not applicable; Not reported.
Inquest verdict
- Definition: The outcome of the inquest as passed by HM Coroner.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: As reported by HM Coroner.
- Responses: Accidental death; Narrative verdict; Natural causes; Misadventure; Unlawful killing; Dependence on drugs; Non-dependent use of drugs; Road traffic collision; Suicide; Open verdict; Not applicable; Not reported.
Report issued
- Definition: Type of report issued by HM Coroner.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: As reported by HM Coroner.
- Responses: PFD; FAI; Rule 43 Report; Not applicable.
- Definition: Lead investigatory authority
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Police; HSE; EHO; MAIB; Ministry of Justice; IPCC/IOPC; Not applicable; Not reported.
- Definition: Court judgment is in the public domain.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Identification: Assessed using the reported information.
- Responses: Yes; No; Reporting restrictions in place; Not applicable.
Judgment date
- Definition: Date of the Court judgment.
- Field type: Date.
- Definition: Name of the defendant.
- Field type: Text field.
Defendant type
- Definition: Type of defendant.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Owner; Contractor; Employer; Insurer; Individual; Operator; Relative; Not applicable.
Legal basis of charge/claim
- Definition: Legal basis for the charge/claim.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: HSWA 1974; CMCHA 2009; GNM; OLA 1957; Negligence; Breach of Contract.
- Definition: Sanction imposed by the Court.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Fine; Damages; Imprisonment; None; Not applicable.
- Definition: Fine or damages imposed by the Court.
- Field type: Currency.
- Definition: Costs imposed by the Court on the defendant.
- Field type: Currency.
Total sources
- Definition: Total number of sources collected and analysed.
- Field type: Number.
Case note
- Definition: Case note published on the Water Incident Research Hub.
- Field type: Hyperlink.
- Definition: Image of the injured person.
- Field type: Image.
- Definition: A photo of the injured person was reported.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
Family statement
- Definition: A statement from the injured person’s family was reported.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
Press association
- Definition: Press Association involved in media reporting of the case.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
- Definition: Fundraiser set up by the injured person’s family.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
UK Parliament
- Definition: The case is recorded in Hansard as having been discussed in the House of Commons or House of Lords.
- Field type: Choice field.
- Responses: Yes; No; Not reported.
Reporting countries
- Definition: Number of countries in which the case was reported.
- Field type: Number.
Reporting outlets
- Definition: Number of outlets which reported the case.
- Field type: Number.
Citation. Jacklin, D. 2023. Water Incident Research. Database structure. Water Incident Research Hub, 12 December 2021; updated 16 September.